Privacy Policy
School Admission Appeal Specialists website is owned by School Admission Appeal Specialists, which is a data controller of your personal data.
We have adopted this Privacy Policy, which determines how we are processing the information collected by School Admission Appeal Specialists, which also provides the reasons why we must collect certain personal data about you. Therefore, you must read this Privacy Policy before using School Admission Appeal Specialists website.
We take care of your personal data and undertake to guarantee its confidentiality and security.
Aim: School Admission Appeals Specialists, hereafter referred to as SAAS, will ensure that all data collected (in all formats), retained and processed will comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.
Legislation and Guidance: This Policy is based on guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office and complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.
Definitions: This Policy utilises the definitions as prescribed in the Data Protection Act, as found here: Data Protection Act 2018 (
Data Protection Principles: All data collected, retained and processed will be managed in accordance with the principles as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 and as found here: A guide to the data protection principles | ICO
Roles and Responsibilities: The Managing Director of SAAS is responsible for ensuring that SAAS complies with its statutory obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018.
Privacy / Fair Processing: SAAS exercises its right to hold data about clients to enable the services offered to be provided professionally and efficiently. SAAS will only retain the data it collects as part of its business for as long as required to satisfy the purpose for which it has been obtained. For Admission Appeals, the 2022 Admission Appeals Code requires data to be retained for a minimum of two years For Exclusion IRP Reviews, the 2023 Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement Guidance required data to be retained for a minimum of 5 years. SAAS will not share your info with third parties without your consent unless the service provided requires it; e.g. sharing appeal paperwork with relevant parties (i.e. Panel Member / Admission Authorities / Schools / Presenting Officers etc.) so that an Admission Appeal / Exclusion IRP can be conducted in accordance with relevant guidance. SAAS will only retain data obtained for as long as is necessary to satisfy the purpose for which it has been collected.
Right to request to see information held by SAAS: Clients retain the right to request access to any information / data held by SAAS in relation to their data only. Depending upon the type and amount of information requested, a small charge may be applied. Any charge issued will be commensurate with the amount of data requested and the time taken to compile it. Clients will be advised upfront if any charges will be applied.
Storage of data: All data retained by SAAS will be held electronically only and will be retained utilising encryption software for protection purposes.
Disposal of data: Data will be disposed of in accordance with No. 6 above, unless it is no longer required, is or has become inaccurate or is out of date. As all data held is electronically stored, data will be destroyed permanently utilising specialist software to ensure it cannot be restored at a later date.
Contact information:
If you would like to contact us to understand more about this Policy or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to individual rights and your Personal Information, you may send an email to